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 Your Soul Contract Chart is a MAP that shows you the Karma, Talents, and Goals you chose in this life, in the physical aspect and the spiritual aspects, and it is generated by the spelling of your name as it was intended for you at the time of your birth.  


Karma:  unresolved issues from past lifetimes that you need to work through.   


Talents: energies that feel natural and effortless, and help you to accomplish your goals. 


Goals: things you want to accomplish by combining your talents over many lifetimes to achieve a particular goal.


Imagine KNOWING what these energies are, and how to work with them consciously. That is a soul contract chart: an explanation of these intertwining energies and how to work with them successfully / consciously.


Now imagine understanding these energies about yourself AND your partner/ spouse, your family, your business partner, your best friend….suddenly, the dynamics are making sense, and you know the best way to work with them.  Life just got easier. 

What to expect.....

Your chart will be anywhere from 9-25 pages with detailed descriptions in each section, actionable advice, ties to astrological energies, helpful practices / herbal remedies, pitfalls to look out for, examples of how to take action, etc.   It is a complete guide to the energies of your life.  

If you like charts and have some already (astrology charts, human design charts, gene keys charts, palm analysis...) you will find that your Soul Contract Chart dovetails with these other types of charts.  

How do I get a Soul Contract Chart?

1.    Email me using the form at the bottom of this page.  

2.   Once I confirm receipt of your information, pay via PayPal by clicking here :    

3.   When I receive your payment I will generate your chart(s) and email them to you. My typical turnaround time is less than 2 days. 

Soul Contract Chart  1 chart  $ 60 USD


1 hour phone consult $ 60 USD

Many people are able to fully understand their charts on their own, but some people really want a guided tour of their chart, especially if they got a bunch of charts for looking at family dynamics.

Composite Charts  $60 USD

When you get to the level of wanting a composite chart that shows multiple people (family, friends) you really gain insight into why these people are in your life.  It can be a serious game changer for understanding family and relationship dynamics.  (see screenshot of a large family below) 

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What people are saying about

their Soul Contract Charts:

from Kenna: 

Oh my word.

I am only a few pages deep.

First of all. I have the number 9 tattooed on me!

Everything is 100 percent spot on wow. Father issues. Unworthiness. Communication problems. FOCUS ON NEGATIVES AT TIMES.   




and later when she finished reading her chart:

I just read through my entire chart contract!

thank you so much!

I am so interested in all this wonderful information!!!

I truly connect with all of this!

from Rob:

Wow Lizzy!....just wow! I would say the info in there was about 95% bang on! Most of the things mentioned are exactly what I’ve been through and exactly what I’ve done to heal them...lmao! Isn’t life amazing!! I will definitely recommend you to all my friends!  Rob


from Eric:

Hi Lizzy! It's Eric. I just finished reading the chart you made for me and wanted to say thank you so much. It's incredible and amazing..almost overwhelming. It gives me so much more direction on the things I need to work through and so much insight. Really.  I can't thank you enough!  Much love! - Eric

from Justin:

Never Before have i had someone who knows nothing about me, be able to accurately explain who i am, what i have done, what my goals are, and where i am going......

from Cindy after a chart consult:

I learned what I need, where I am strong and how to help to keep my brain cleared. Thanks dear Lizzie. I will see you soon. If you have any doubts or questions write her talk to her. It is so worth it.

from Christopher:

Yesterday I had my Soul Contract chart prepared by Lizzie Barnts. It's uncanny how much this resonates with the work I've been doing and the work I have yet to do. I highly recommend contacting her and having your chart done!

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